… där bl.a. flera nyckelharpslegendarer medverkar/spelar. Hans intressanta film på YouTube här. Sägs vara den första filmen på engelska om nyckelharpan.

Tim Rued: In 1990 I traveled to Sweden and made a series of video recordings with interviews and music with fiddlers and nyckelharpa players in several areas of Sweden.
In 1992 I edited this video using my 1990 recordings. It was the first video about the nyckelharpa ever done in English, and with the participation of the most important players of the time. Besides myself, Swedish players on the tape include Hans Gille, Nils Nordström, Gösta Hellström, Sture Sahlström, Gert Ohlsson, Sven-Olof Sundell, Gunnar Persson, Leif Alpsjö, Kurt Tallroth, and others who played for the dancing later in the tape. Everyone was most kind and helpful in allowing me to use the recordings in this way.
The tape describes the modern nyckelharpa, explains how it is played, and displays the variety of styles played by the musicians included. There are also examples of dances traditionally done in Uppland.
My apologies go to Sven-Olof Sundell, who was misidentified at the end of the video, and was a major help in producing the videos in Uppland!